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Weblabel is a program developed by Proelia Sistemi s.r.l., it allows the labels creation for clothing and shoes industries.

Weblabel can be used only by companies that have signed a regular licence.

This manual describes the users' activities to approve and print the labels.

It is necessary to be authorized users in order to connect to Weblabel site, and digit the username and password.



Weblabel is very easy to personalize; for this reason images could be a bit different from the present application windows.

The following image shows an example of home page.




After having made the authentication, the users enter on the home page that contains four sheets:

Labels to requiret,
Approved labels,
Labels to approve
Not approved labels.

The page contains also some buttons that allow to make Order print and label print.


If you click on the buttons in the right high corner is possible to:


Come back to the Weblabel home page


Activate the interface in Italian language


Activate the interface in English language

With the buttonPulsanteMenu  is possible to enter to the followisng actionable choices


Edit CareCode = management of standard maintenance processes characterized by a code

Settings = page that allows the management of the most used parameters of configuration

Modify Password = it allows to modify the connected user's password

Help = it activates the help page on line

LogOut = it disconnects the User from the website

Labels Approval = it allows an user that has Responsible profile to approve labels settled by a user with a Supplier profile or by a user that hasn't any possibility to make auto- approval

Upload Models and Orders = (not standard) it allows to update the Weblabel database with data from ERP system